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use chemical fertilizer中文是什么意思

用"use chemical fertilizer"造句"use chemical fertilizer"怎么读"use chemical fertilizer" in a sentence


  • 使化肥


  • Where they do use chemical fertilizer , they tend to use nitrogen only , thereby mining the soils
  • Shifting from cultivation using chemical fertilizer to organic manure will decrease the volume of water used . . .
  • Article 22 agricultural producers shall use chemical fertilizers , pesticides , agricultural films and feed additive compounds in accordance with scientific principles , improve planting and breeding techniques so as to bring about high - quality , non - hazardous agricultural products and generate resources from wastes from agricultural production and prevent and control agricultural environmental pollution
  • Based on the current analysis , the paper put forward the countermeasures , which included strengthening the consciousness of environmental protection and the monitoring and management of the soil fertilizer , using organic fertilizer , popularizing the technology of applying fertilizer , using the nitrify inhibitor , improving the way of using chemical fertilizer
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